Insomnia and anxiety are related to each other directly. Insomnia often causes anxiety and anxiety also cause insomnia. People experiencing problems with their sleep patterns at different periods of his life. This may be a temporary phase and may disappear within a few weeks. However, some people face chronic insomnia and are deeply affected by it.
During a period of insomnia can cause several problems such as depression, anxiety and fatigue. Insomnia is a sleep disorder and anxiety is a psychiatric disorder. But both exist as a side effect of the other.
A person suffering from anxiety tend to worry too much and as a result end up worrying at night instead of sleeping. Your brain is always concerned with some thought or other. Also, can lead to anxiety attacks for them. When an anxious person falls into the habit of worrying at night, then that leads to insomnia, the time for them.
Sleepless, by contrast, already has problems with sleep and find it difficult to sleep. Even if they sleep, only be for a couple of hours and wake up after midnight or early in the morning. Because sleep less, have low energy levels throughout the day. Tiredness and fatigue is experienced by them every day and lose interest in their normal lifestyle. This pattern can sometimes lead to anxiety and panic attacks. That's why both are deeply connected and you can be the cause of the other.
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