Insomnia is a condition that affects the sleep pattern of the individual. The person has difficulty falling or staying asleep during regular hours. They often spend their time sleeping awake and restless. As a result, they are tired all day fatigue and experience. Can not work all day during waking hours.
Insomnia is a common problem presents itself and sometimes the result of medication and other disorders. It is a common side effect of several psychiatric disorders. It is normal that some people do not sleep in a few days because some of the underlying causes, as a tragic event or depression or worry. However, if it happens every night, it's a deeper problem and can be characterized as insomnia.
Insomnia is one of the most complained of sleep disorders in the U.S. and nearly 10 percent of them suffer from the same on a regular basis.
Insomnia is classified into several types such as the transitional period, short and chronic. Chronic insomnia can be dangerous to health as it has long-term health of the individual. The short-term and transient insomnia tends to disappear on their own as time passes. However, chronic insomnia need psychiatric treatment. Transient insomnia lasts from one week to several months, and short-term insomnia can last two or three weeks.
Insomnia can be easily treated with medications that improve sleep. Untreated insomnia can lead to manic depression and other psychiatric problems.
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